I had heard about these owl releases so I was really looking forward to this and I wasn't disappointed. The organization, Liberty Wildlife, rehabilitates owls and then releases them back into the wild. Tonight, they were releasing two owls out at Usery park before a full moon hike. There was a large crowd gathered when I pulled up, and I could see alot of cameras flashing. By going around to the other side of the group, I was able to get close up. When I got there, one of the owl handers had an owl out and was giving us a bit of information on it. After she put that owl away, she took out another one and explained that, although this particular owl wasn't being released tonight, two of this type of owl were. Then it was time for the release. The owl handlers took the two owls being released out of their carriers (they appeared ready to go!) and moved toward a more open part of the parking lot next to the trails. Prior to every release, the organization asks for a moment of silence for prayers and good wishes for the owls being released. Then they let them go. I had never been to the release of a rehabilitated animal or bird, and I wasn't prepared for how emotional it was for me. It was really a beautiful thing to see. It was hard to see them immediately after the release because it was dark, but they flew off in the same direction together. The handler said they would probably land somewhere soon so that they could get their bearings. I thought about them during the hike and hope they're doing well.
The hike itself was okay, but there were too many people there. They separated us into two groups; adults and families. There were 125 people in the adult group alone, and I think they may have cut the hike short due to the fact that there were so many people there. The manager of the park, who was leading our group, told us a funny story from when she was out at Spur Cross. There had been a release of four coyotes, and the next morning while headed out to Spur Cross she saw them headed back toward town. Actually, two were headed back to town, and I guess the other two were seen headed back toward town a few days later. I didn't get a chance to ask her how she knew they were the released coyotes, but I thought it was funny, and a bit ironic, that she saw them headed back to town.
The hike itself was okay, but there were too many people there. They separated us into two groups; adults and families. There were 125 people in the adult group alone, and I think they may have cut the hike short due to the fact that there were so many people there. The manager of the park, who was leading our group, told us a funny story from when she was out at Spur Cross. There had been a release of four coyotes, and the next morning while headed out to Spur Cross she saw them headed back toward town. Actually, two were headed back to town, and I guess the other two were seen headed back toward town a few days later. I didn't get a chance to ask her how she knew they were the released coyotes, but I thought it was funny, and a bit ironic, that she saw them headed back to town.
Here are some photos from the owl release.
This particular owl wasn't being released, but two of the same type were. Isn't it beautiful? Look at those eyes!
Another shot of the same owl.
The first owl to be released being taken out of the carrier.
The second owl to be released being taken out of the carrier.
The following two pictures are of the owls just prior to the release.