Sunday, October 27, 2013

Harry Potter Crafts - Forbidden Forest

This was a fun project to complete and the first time I made "pipe cleaner" trees.  For the floor of the forest, I just taped together pieces of thin cardboard.  I then used chicken wire to create some hills which were covered with paper dipped in a very thin wallpaper paste.  I then painted it using varying shades of brown and green paint.  Next I added some craft foliage.  Finally, I added headstones, gargoyles, dragons, and other creepy things. 

I made some rocks by balling up newspaper, covering them with pieces dipped in the wallpaper paste solution, and painting them. 

To make these trees, I took the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels and taped pipe cleaners randomly to it.  Some I would begin at the bottom and others I would begin half way up or three-quarters way up.  I then bent them at different angles.  I then filled in the trunk using wadded up newspaper.  When I say I filled it in, I mean on the outside between the pipe cleaners.  The tube is hollow except for the top.  Again, I just wadded up some newspaper and stuffed it in the top of the cardboard tube.  I then covered everything with newspaper dipped in the wallpaper paste solution.  It took some time to do this because I had to use really small, thin pieces to wrap the branches. 


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